Utilizing Social Media Ads to Drive New Business:  Know Which Platforms Your Target Audience Utilizes the Most to Get the Best Return on Investment and Branding Exposure

Utilizing Social Media Ads to Drive New Business: Know Which Platforms Your Target Audience Utilizes the Most to Get the Best Return on Investment and Branding Exposure

As most people know in this amazing day and age of social media communication and interaction that running ads on social media can significantly increase your new business opportunities and add valuable branding in your target markets.  If you are a new business owner(s) and have not yet advertised on social media, it is important to know your audience first before choosing out of the many social platforms available. 

The target audience basics to know best include demography, geography, and interests. For instance, is your target mainly men or women or both that will want your products or services? What age group is the audience?  Is it Generation Y, Z, X or Baby Boomers, or another age group or a combination of those age groups that are most interested in what you are offering?

Once you have your target audience listed out and confirmed you can begin choosing your social media ad platforms by doing some simple research to understand which social platforms the age groups you are targeting congregate the most.  Our company personal favorite ad promotions are created on Facebook/Instagram and create some of the best results that we have seen to date in comparison to other social platforms.

Business owners receive a 2 for 1 deal with this approach as Facebook and Instagram can be connected to show ads on both platforms.  Even if you do not have an Instagram presence the ads created on Facebook can show on the platform if you select that option in the ad platform settings during ad creation.  Facebook and Instagram can easily target several audiences including, all the audience types we mentioned above.

According to Sprout Social, every age group utilizes Facebook to some level.  Check out their site to learn more about the various demographic and geographic data collected in 2020 on the most popular social platforms available. Instagram comes in a close 2nd to one of the most utilized platforms in the world with 13-29-year-old age groups the most active. 

Utilizing ad promotions on social media platforms are often a lesser investment with a fair return if the ad programs are set-up properly showcasing a strong call to action (Buy Now!) and attractive imagery.  Also, be certain that you check the accuracy of spelling and punctuation before hitting the publish button.  The more buzz you create the more business you will generate!  Many happy returns…

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