How Technology is Helping During Covid-19 Pandemic

As we find our world turned upside down in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic it is encouraging to know that utilizing new innovative technologies is proving to be exceptionally important and helpful during the crisis. Discover some of those on the front lines of technology working to make a huge impact to help save lives.

Tech Giants such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and others are working overtime to help and collectively donating billions of dollars to give us significant leverage in the fight of our lives against the invisible enemy. 

To help public health officials slow the spread of COVID-19, Google and Apple are working on a contact tracing approach with Bluetooth transmissions, built directly into IOS and Android Software. The new design will be built with strong controls and protections for user privacy. “Through collaboration with developers, governments and public health providers, we hope to harness the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life.”

Google in the early stages of the pandemic immediately began efforts to create a worldwide map to track infections by Country, State and Cities. The interactivity of the map is precise and easy to navigate to the geographical area of interest. It displays the number of infections, deaths and recoveries within approximately 2 hours of the latest submission of data.

Apple, has also created a COVID-19 Screening Tool on their website to help people understand what to do next if they believe they may have the virus.

Another very important mention is the many biotechnology companies that are helping in the fight and one of many is making great progress.  A biotechnology company, AbCellera, is utilizing AI to develop essential therapies based on antibodies from patients who have successfully recovered from COVID -19. They have impressively used AI to analyze more than 5 million immune cells as they search for those that are able to produce antibodies that ultimately can help patients recover. Because of this amazing cutting edge technology, they have already found 500 antibodies identified as potential helpful sources for future utilization in COVID – 19 therapies.

Ultimately, we need a vaccine that will protect us from the virus, and Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, announced that he and Melinda will pour billions of dollars through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to build seven manufacturing facilities for teams of scientists to find a vaccine that works as quickly as possible.  Learn more about all of the many donations this exceptional foundation has made to help in abolishing the pandemic.

This blog only touches on the many notable collective efforts and donations that are being made around the world to find solutions through technology and other segments of industries to help us all to get back to life as normal. There are multiple other brilliant industries of people significantly making a positive impact. Most importantly is the collective effort to save as many lives as possible!  #WereinitTogether…

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