E-Commerce Responsive Websites Spike in Relevance as More Consumers Go Online to Shop. The MOM and POP Shops Selling Products Need E-Commerce Sites Now More than Ever To Survive!

E-Commerce Responsive Websites Spike in Relevance as More Consumers Go Online to Shop. The MOM and POP Shops Selling Products Need E-Commerce Sites Now More than Ever To Survive!

As we work our way through the deadliest pandemic in our history since the infamous Influenza Flu in 1918 we need alternatives to how we do business especially if the business model thrives on selling products.

An attractive E-commerce website that is easy to navigate, allowing us to shop from one product to the other and offer a quick check out is golden when many of us are quarantining or playing it safer shopping in the privacy of our own homes.  

My greatest concern is the survival of small and even medium-sized businesses who certainly rely on visitors to purchase their products but choose not to operate outside of the brick-and-mortar option.  Many MOM and POP shops were not ready to invest in an e-commerce solution before the pandemic even with the best of encouragement and beefy discounts to help them get started. If only they had a crystal ball that laid out this uncertain future, they would have signed up on a dime for that new shiny site.

It is not too late, though, as there are many affordable e-commerce website platforms that are perfectly mobile-friendly and excellent at creating a super easy shopping and check out experience for every customer. Savvy business owners can create a simple but efficient store on their own.  It is an investment that will make a consistent, lucrative return with good management, products, basic ad program/social posting/sharing, and that will offer efficiency and convenience for customers. 

Facebook’s Shopify includes an affordable integrated solution to selling your products. Magnificent that one can start with a platform that has billions of users. Of course, we must advertise to coax their grand audiences to our stores. The good news is that we can reach thousands upon thousands of customers on Facebook for a fraction of the cost of most other advertising options.   

Squarespace.com offers many more design options to give your e-commerce site extra flare, including, video product banners, optimization (helping more people find your store in the myriad of millions of stores online), user-friendly shopping experiences, and many extra, desirable perks. Learn more about Squarespace.com and all the viable options, including, apps the platform offers. 

If a business owner(s) has no investment dollars Facebook Market Place will allow you to sell for free but one still needs some advertising investment dollars to promote the products to the target audience. These are only a few examples of the most affordable options. By Googling: “E-commerce Platforms,” and yes with the quotes, Google will find most of the relevant platforms available with price options ranging high to low.

There are many different options for selling products online and we encourage business owners to do the research and pivot while there is still time to save business and sell many more products to survive and thrive through 2022.  

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy & Safe Holiday Season!!

– Bella Media Services Team

Bring it Together Team!

Bring it Together Team!

Hope in the New Year: "If there’s one thing we’ve learned this year it’s be flexible and do whatever it takes to survive."

Hope in the New Year: "If there’s one thing we’ve learned this year it’s be flexible and do whatever it takes to survive."