Unprecedented times

Unprecedented times

Navigating through COVID 19 has brought on new challenges that I thought I would never have to face. I never considered the imminent danger of a looming pandemic prior to opening my business. Who would have thought that shaking hands would be discouraged! So many of our daily functions, especially as businesses, are now limited. Trying to survive in the midst of this uncertainty is discouraging. Some of us aren’t sure how we will make it, some aren’t sure what to do, many are desperate for relief, and no one knows when this will end.

This is why Business Masterminds was formed. We don’t have any answers for COVID 19, but we are a group of professionals who can relate. Ambiguity and fear of failure are every business owner’s nightmare. COVID 19 seems to be the manifestation of those fears and it is hard not to panic.

As I mentioned above, Business Masterminds is a group of business professionals with shared experiences. Below are some of the practices we have implemented in response to COVID 19. Take a look and see if any are an option for your business.

  1.  Continue Marketing

    • New business may be down but as Bella Media Services stated, “going dark can be detrimental to brand awareness.”

  2. Virtual Networking

    • Maintain your relationships! ZOOM is a great platform for video conferencing and it has allowed us to continue networking on a weekly basis.

  3. Customer Service

    • Communicate with your customers. How can your customers contact you when they need you? Will their service be impacted by the Pandemic? What should customers do if they are financially impacted by COVID 19?

  4. SBA.GOV

    • The Small Business Administration is offering relief due to COVID 19. Visit https://www.sba.gov/ and click on the Coronavirus (COVID 19): Small Business & Loans Resources to learn what options you may be eligible for.

How Technology is Helping During Covid-19 Pandemic

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?