Business Master Minds

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Three simpe questions everyone should ask before hitting the road. 

It’s summer time and most are eager to start traveling. As an agent, I generally receive phone calls asking for updated ID cards and evidence of insurance. While I don’t want to complicate something as simple as a road trip I do think it is important to ask yourself three simple questions before hitting the road.

  1. What are my liability limits? Are you protected if you cause an accident? What are your coverages? What will you do if you get in an at fault accident and don’t have enough coverage? We all make mistakes from time to time, especially when we are distracted by friends and family while driving. I recommend reviewing your policy with your agent to make sure you have enough liability coverage because automobiles and hospital visits are more expensive than ever.

  2. Do I have a permissive use policy? Permissive use policies allow drivers, other than the named insured, to drive your vehicle. This is covered by most policies today but not all. It is important to know if your policy permits friends and family to drive lest you run the risk of an uncovered accident. It is important to speak with your agent and make sure you are covered when anyone, other than yourself, drives the vehicle.

  3. Will I need towing and roadside service? Unless you have a new vehicle under warranty you may want to consider towing and roadside service before making a trip. This coverage will provide the assistance needed when you are locked out, have a flat tire, or are broke down on the side of the road. 

Understanding these three simple coverages will provide the peace of mind you need to enjoy your vacation. Before your next road trip, ask yourself these three questions and contact your agent if you aren’t confident about anyone of them.